Showing posts with label Best Plastic Surgery Clinic in Delhi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Best Plastic Surgery Clinic in Delhi. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

How Do You Tackle Your Baldness With Hair Transplant Surgery?

Hair transplantation has evolved dramatically, resulting in less invasive procedures and more natural-looking results. It's now one of the most popular treatments for hair thinning and baldness. Want to know how Hair Transplant in Delhi can help manage your baldness? Then, this blog will help you learn more about this amazing hair restoration treatment!

What causes baldness?


Hair thinning and balding can be caused by various factors, such as genetics, hormone imbalances, a poor diet, stress, and certain medical disorders. The most prevalent type of hair loss is androgenetic alopecia, commonly termed male-pattern baldness or female-pattern baldness, which could be hereditary.


Hair loss in both men and women usually starts with a receding hairline, thinning around the crown, or a widening part. It can eventually lead to more severe hair loss, resulting in apparent bald patches.


Can a hair transplant help with baldness?

As per the Best Plastic Surgeon in Delhi, Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, hair transplantation is the best surgical procedure for treating hair loss problems. In this method, healthy hair follicles are extracted from a donor site (the back or sides of the scalp) and transferred to the balding or thinning areas of the scalp. The transplanted hair follicles continue to grow, producing natural-looking and long-lasting results.

Can a bald person get a hair transplant?

Yes, a bald person can undergo a hair transplant procedure. Whether a person is a candidate for this procedure depends on the presence of donor supply, which is the hair left on the back of the head. So, someone with a good donor supply can be a good candidate. Additionally, Dr. Shilpi Bhadani at SB Aesthetics also performs body hair transplants, which can help individuals who are completely bald to cover the bald areas of the scalp by using donor hair from other body areas.


How is a hair transplant performed?


The primary stages of a hair transplant procedure are as follows: 


  1. Local anaesthesia: Before commencing the treatment, local anaesthesia is provided to the areas where the hair follicles will be removed and transplanted. It ensures that the patient experiences no pain during the whole procedure. 

  2. Hair follicle extraction: The treatment involves extracting hair follicles from the donor site while avoiding skin damage. The technician then harvests these roots, known as grafts, which comprise approximately 2-3 hairs. The surgeon carefully chooses the best transplant grafts to provide the most natural-looking results.

  3. Preparation of the recipient site: The grooves opened into the area where hair loss occurs must be of the proper depth and size. They must perfectly fit the transplanted hair roots. Furthermore, the grooves should be correctly adjusted to appear natural and appealing. It increases efficiency.

  4. Implantation of hair follicles: In the last step of the procedure, the harvested hair follicles are inserted one by one at specific degree angles into these grooves that have been opened to the correct size. Following these steps, the surgical procedure is completed.


How to prepare before a hair transplant?


Before the surgery, the following factors should be considered:


  • The consumption of alcohol should be avoided before the surgery. 

  • Anticoagulants must be stopped with the supervision of a doctor. 

  • No chemical products should be used. Chemicals such as jelly and spray should be avoided. 

  • If an individual has an illness or is taking medicine, they should inform the doctor. 

  • To prevent damage to the hair follicles, one should arrive at the clinic with their hair cleansed and wearing comfortable clothes that can be readily worn and removed. 

  • Smoking can have a detrimental effect on the treatment; thus, it should be avoided for a while before the surgery. Smoking should be avoided for at least a week before the surgery. 

  • Eating is recommended before commencing the procedure. If the procedure is scheduled for the afternoon or later, one can have a light snack before leaving.

  • Caffeine-containing beverages like coffee should be avoided until the day before the surgery.

  • Avoid taking vitamins B and E approximately a week in advance because they increase blood flow.

  • Driving is not recommended for 6 hours following this procedure.


Is there any maintenance after a hair transplant?


Following the hair transplant, it is critical to care for the transplanted hair follicles to maintain ultimate healing and growth. 

Here are some factors to consider after a hair transplant procedure:


  • The transplanted hair follicles must be preserved following hair transplantation, and any contact should be avoided to avoid damaging the hair follicles. 

  • Hair should not be washed for the first three days. It is important to wash hair in the proper direction and with gentleness. 

  • The hair follicles may be damaged if they come into contact with bed material when lying down. Lie on your back with a small, soft pillow. 

  • Doctor-recommended medications and dressings should be used consistently. Sunlight may damage the roots of transplanted hair; thus, the patient should avoid it as much as possible.


Where to get a hair transplant for managing baldness?


A hair transplant is a medical procedure that involves extracting hair follicles from the donor part of the body and transferring them to a bald or thinning area. This procedure promotes new hair growth in the treated area while achieving a natural and aesthetically acceptable result. 

If you are the one who is suffering from baldness or hair loss, then getting a hair transplant can help to cover it. If you want to know about the costs and how this procedure can help you, visit SB Aesthetics, a leading clinic for Hair transplants in Delhi.

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Why is Mommy Makeover So Popular in India?

 A baby’s birth is considered a major milestone in a woman’s life. It brings immense joy, but it also demands that a woman takes good care of herself as well as her newborn. Women all around the world as well as in India are turning towards mommy makeovers, which include procedures such as liposuction, breast reduction, tummy tuck, etc. Women opt for this procedure to eliminate their post-pregnancy mommy pooches and return to their original pre-baby body shape. 

Mommy Makeover Surgery

In this comprehensive guide, we have gathered references from expert plastic surgeon Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, who is known for performing the best mommy makeover surgery in India. The blog will detail what a mommy makeover is why it is considered a popular procedure in India, and many more. Continue reading to learn more.

What is a Mommy Makeover Surgery?

A mommy makeover is an umbrella term that comprises a group of cosmetic surgery procedures that target several areas of a woman’s body that are affected by either pregnancy or childbirth. The combination of procedures could vary for each woman. However, the most common procedures include tummy tucks, liposuction, breast reduction, genital rejuvenation, etc. 

Generally, a mommy makeover is considered an outpatient procedure, and the patient’s recovery time varies. It may require less time if fewer procedures are combined. However, it may take several weeks to a month for more invasive surgeries.

Why Is Mommy Makeover a Popular Procedure in India?

Mommy makeovers are as popular in India as they have been in other parts of the globe. The key reasons behind its popularity in India are changing beauty standards, increased awareness, economic growth, medical tourism, improved medical facilities, skilled medical professionals, the desire for quick results, etc.

A mommy makeover is useful for women who have been through childbirth and have lost their youthful body shape. The demand for mommy makeovers is huge. Women are often going through a lot of pregnancy and postpartum changes, due to which they wish to reclaim their bodies. This is why an increasing number of women are choosing cosmetic procedures, including liposuction, tummy tucks, breast reduction, nipple reconstruction, and breast augmentation.

Benefits of Mommy Makeover

Following are the Benefits of a Mommy Makeover Surgery:

  • It helps improve one’s body image and self-esteem after childbirth.

  • It improves one’s relationship with their partner.

  • Combining a range of cosmetic procedures into a single treatment reduces the cost of the surgery. This also lessens the recovery time.

  • Since the abdominal muscles go through a battle while delivering a baby, tummy tuck surgery, which is part of a mommy makeover, is an ideal way to heal some of that damage so that the area can recover effectively and resume its regular shape.

  • The breasts also change after having children. Many women also gain a significant amount of weight after having children, which affects the shape and volume of their breasts. A mommy makeover surgery can involve breast augmentation, breast lift, or breast reduction, which helps rejuvenate the breasts after having children.


Now that one has understood why a mommy makeover is a popular procedure, if one wants to avail the benefits of this procedure, one must consult a leading plastic surgeon. 

plastic surgery clinic

For this, one can schedule a consultation with Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, a popular plastic surgeon who is the founder of SB Aesthetics, the best plastic surgery clinic in Delhi. The surgeon will make the right recommendations to patients and provide counseling to them before deciding on the surgeries for a mommy makeover. Additionally, she also has a team of experienced staff who look after the patients and provide follow-up care during the post-surgical period. To avail the benefits of a mommy makeover procedure or to know its cost, consider visiting SB Aesthetics today!

8 Most Common Areas For Liposuction Surgery

  If one wants to improve the shape of their body with immediate results, one can opt for liposuction surgery in Delhi . Liposuction is a su...