Showing posts with label Lip Reduction Surgery in Delhi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lip Reduction Surgery in Delhi. Show all posts

Friday, May 10, 2024

How To Prepare For Lip Reduction Surgery: A Comprehensive Guide

You may have heard fuller and bigger lips are a sign of attraction, but that’s not always true! Many dream of having their lips thin or proportionally shaped according to the proportion of their facial features. So, if you dream of having the perfect lips, you can get it done by undergoing lip reduction surgery in Delhi. 

This surgery aims to enhance your facial appearance and help you achieve a more balanced look. This surgery is safe and can be performed on top lips, bottom lips, or both. If you are planning for this surgery, you are at the right place to seek answers to your questions; here, you will get to know all about lip reduction surgery in Delhi with the famous cosmetic and lip surgeon Dr.Shilpi Bhadani.


What is Lip Reduction Surgery?

Lip reduction is a safe cosmetic surgery procedure performed to reduce your lip size. It can help reduce the upper and lower lips, achieving a more balanced appearance. The ideal goal of this surgery is to create a less prominent lip size that looks more natural and remains in proportion with other facial features. 

During the procedure, the surgeon will make small incisions in the corners of the mouth; the excess tissue will be removed to reduce lip size. This procedure is generally under local anesthesia and usually takes 1-2 hours. 

How to Prepare for Lip Surgery?

Step 1- Find The Right Surgeon 

Before embarking on your lip reduction surgery, it is necessary to find the right surgeon to meet your expectations and effectively plan your treatment. 

Research: Begin by conducting your research. Look for an expert and experienced surgeon who specializes in face cosmetic surgery, such as Dr. Shilpi Bhadani at SB Aesthetics. She can be a great choice to perform lip reduction surgery and meet your expectations. 

Review Patient Testimonials: Patient reviews and testimonials provide valuable insights into a surgeon’s skills and expertise. Make sure your chosen surgeon has a record of successful treatments.

Step 2 - Know The Risks & Benefits of Lip Reduction Surgery

You should know the risks and benefits before going for lip reduction surgery. Though this surgery aids in having a more balanced facial appearance, there are other complications to be aware of, such as visible scars or an exaggerated look.  Before starting the procedure, your surgeon will give you detailed information. Moreover, these risks can be tackled when expert hands perform the procedure.

One of the most critical aspects of preparation is understanding the risks and benefits of lip reduction surgery. While this surgical procedure can lead to a more balanced facial appearance, there are potential complications to be aware of, such as visible scars or an exaggerated look, which can be tackled when the expert surgeon performs the surgery. 

Step 3 - Say No To Blood-Thinning Medication And Other Types

Avoid taking blood-thinning medications, fish oils, and herbal supplements in the weeks before your surgery. These substances affect the body’s ability to clot, leading to scars and affecting healing. 

Step 4 - Eat A Healthy Diet 

A healthy diet ensures your body is strong and prepared for lip reduction surgery. So ensure you get plenty of lean proteins, fruits & vegetables, and complex carbohydrates. 

Step 5 - Quit Smoking & Alcohol

Smoking and alcohol can affect your body’s ability to heal and increase the risk of bleeding during surgery. It is advised to quit smoking several weeks before starting your treatment.

Step 6 - Shaving of Face

Proper grooming is essential for males undergoing lip reduction surgery. On the day of the surgery, ensure you clean your face well. This helps the surgical team work with precision and lowers the risk of infection.

Step 7 - Look Out For Your Diet & Medication 

In the postoperative period, switch to soft-food diets, such as soups, yogurt, and mashed potatoes, as they will ensure a smooth recovery process. As prescribed by the doctor, you may also take pain medication after the surgery for quick healing.

Step 8 - On The Day of Surgery

  1. The surgery will be performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia.

  2. The incision will be made in the horizontal line on the inside of the lip to minimize scarring.

  3. Excess fat and tissues will be removed to reduce the overall volume.

  4. The incision will be closed with stitches. However, in many cases, dissolvable sutures are used, so they are not removed at a later stage. 

Who is a Candidate for Lip Reduction Surgery?


It includes people who have:


  • Naturally large lips that are disproportionate to their facial features.

  • Desire a more balanced facial appearance by correcting their lip size

  • Suffer from functional issues like difficulty speaking or eating due to large lips.

  • Have realistic expectations from the surgery.

  • People who are in good overall health.

  • People who understand the potential risks and complications of the surgery

  • Have tried non-surgical methods to reduce lip size without success.

Who Is Not A Candidate For Lip Reduction Surgery?

Individuals who are not good candidates for lip reduction surgery are: 

  • People with certain medical conditions, such as blood clotting disorders or autoimmune diseases 

  • Individuals have unrealistic expectations 

  • People who smoke and consume alcohol

  •  Pregnant and breastfeeding women 

  • Individuals with active infections and heart issues.

Talk To The Top Female Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon Today! 

Lip reduction surgery helps correct and reshape the size of your lips. While it is more of a personal decision to enhance your appearance, it is more of a safe procedure and gives permanent results. Talk to the top plastic surgeon today to learn more about the surgery, and look out for your candidacy. 

You can plan your treatment at SB Aesthetics. With modern technology, advanced techniques, and top-notch skilled clinical staff, the clinic is becoming more popular as the best plastic surgery clinic in India. Here, Dr. Shilpi Bhadani will assess your medical conditions, expectations, and desired goals; she will then plan your lip reduction surgery. So, to enhance your looks and feel comfortable in your appearance with this amazing surgical procedure, visit SB Aesthetic Clinic today!

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Thursday, April 18, 2024

Who is a Candidate for Lip Reduction Surgery?

One must have heard of lip augmentation surgery, which is often performed to make the lips appear large. A less generally addressed procedure is a lip reduction procedure, which is often performed to reduce the volume of the lips. 

Full and plump lips often appear to be attractive, but there are certain limits. However, larger lips appear out of proportion and can interfere with drinking, eating, and speaking. If one thinks that their lips are too large, lip reduction surgery is worth considering. The procedure can permanently reduce the lip’s size. 

But have you ever wondered who makes a good candidate for lip reduction surgery?

This article draws its insights from the expertise of renowned cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, who is known for exceptional lip reduction surgery in Delhi. This guide will detail what lip reduction surgery is, the suitable candidates for the procedure, and many other things to know about lip reduction surgery. Continue reading for detailed information.

What is Lip Reduction Surgery?

Lip reduction is a popular and safe cosmetic procedure that helps decrease and correct the large or hanging lip’s size by reducing its volume. The procedure is ideal for those who have an uneven pair of lips or lip abnormalities that might overpower other facial features. 

Although lip reduction is a safe and simple treatment, it requires a lot of care, precision, and artistic eye to ensure proportionate results that are perfectly symmetrical with the rest of the face. After having their lips reduced, patients can expect to achieve more balanced facial features, increased confidence, and even a better smile.

Who is an Ideal Candidate for a Lip Reduction Procedure?

The following individuals are the best candidates for lip reduction surgery:

1. Overly Large Lips: Individuals with naturally large lips that are out of proportion with the rest of the facial features may seek lip reduction to achieve a balanced appearance.

2. Psychological Distress: Individuals who experience emotional distress due to the size of their lips will benefit from a lip reduction procedure.

3. Physical Discomfort: Having extremely large lips can lead to physical discomfort, such as difficulty in closing the mouth properly. In such instances, lip reduction surgery can provide relief.

4. Symmetry Problems: Lip reduction surgery is an appropriate procedure for someone who has asymmetrical lips, where one lip is larger than the other and desires a more symmetrical appearance.

5. Realistic Expectations: The ideal candidate for lip reduction surgery must have realistic expectations of the outcomes of the procedure. They must understand that a lip reduction can improve the lip’s appearance, but it may not result in dramatic changes.

6. Good Health: Individuals who undergo lip reduction surgery must be in good overall health and free from underlying medical conditions.

7. Non-smokers: Many surgeons prefer that candidates for elective cosmetic operations, such as lip reduction, are either non-smokers or are ready to give up smoking for some time before and following the procedure, as smoking can negatively affect the healing process.

8. Stable Weight: Since major weight changes can affect the results of the surgery, it is generally advised for individuals to be at a steady and healthy weight.

9. Difficulty in Speaking or Eating: In some cases, larger lips can make eating or speaking complicated. It might be difficult to form words or chew some foods when the lips are excessively large since they can obstruct the mouth's movements. These problems can be corrected with lip reduction surgery.

10. Aesthetic Preferences: While fuller lips have been trending for several years, only some people desire this look. Some individuals feel that their lips are too large and want a more subtle appearance. With lip reduction surgery, the lips become smaller and more balanced.

To find out if you're a good candidate for a lip reduction procedure, one can consult the expert surgeon, Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, at SB Aesthetics, the best cosmetic surgery clinic in Delhi.

What Happens During a Lip Reduction Procedure?

A lip reduction procedure is typically performed using local anesthesia, although oral sedation is sometimes used. The procedure takes around an hour to complete, but if additional surgeries are done, the surgery may take longer. 

During this procedure, the surgeon first makes an incision along the length of the lips, typically on the inside of the mouth. Then, they remove a strip of tissue before suturing the incision closed. The procedure can be performed on both the upper as well as lower lips at the same time.

How is Recovery With Lip Reduction Surgery?

Immediately after the lip reduction procedure, the lips will become sore and tight. After a few days, the patient might experience mild to moderate pain. The surgeon can prescribe painkillers to help ease the discomfort. They will also give instructions on over-the-counter medications to take after the surgery. One might experience slight swelling and bruising after the procedure, which will heal in some time. The surgeon will also provide guidelines about when one can resume normal activities after the procedure.

Since the incisions are placed inside the mouth, eating might become a challenge. 

  • Avoid eating acidic foods like oranges and tomatoes since they could irritate the wounds. 

  • The surgeon may advise eating soft, pureed foods right away after lip reduction surgery. 

  • If one experiences excessive pain, redness, or pus around the incisions, it might be a sign of infection. 

After surgery, the sutures will likely be taken out 7 to 10 days later, by which time the majority of the swelling should have subsided.

Final Takeaway

One must understand that lip reduction surgery is an effective way to enhance or correct the appearance of the lips, but individuals considering this surgery should consult a renowned medical professional to determine if they are suitable for undergoing the procedure. 

Additionally, individual preferences and cultural norms regarding lip aesthetics can vary, so what is considered ideal can differ from person to person. One can schedule a consultation with Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, a renowned cosmetic surgeon at SB Aesthetics. 

The expert surgeon has more than 13 years of experience and works with every patient individually to determine what works best for them. She will help individuals achieve the lips they desire with lip reduction surgery.

To avail the benefits of the procedure or to know how much lip reduction surgery costs in Delhi, pay a visit to SB Aesthetics. The cost of the procedure is determined by a range of factors, such as the expertise of the surgeon, the type of anesthesia used, the type of procedure, the clinic's location, post-surgical care, and many more factors.

Visit SB Aesthetics to know the exact cost of lip reduction surgery!

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