Showing posts with label lip_reshape. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lip_reshape. Show all posts

Friday, February 23, 2024

What Is The Procedure Of Lip Reduction Surgery

Lip size plays a crucial role in making them attractive and appealing. However, many individuals have heavier and floppy lips. Embarrassment and loss of confidence caused by such lip size are apparent. But thicker lip size is not a problem now. One can get rid of this problem with the help of cosmetic lip reduction treatment.

To learn about lip reduction surgery in detail, insights have been taken from the best plastic surgeon in Delhi. These doctors, including Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, have years of experience and are renowned for the best lip reduction surgery. Based on the references, this blog will help you learn about the complete lip reduction procedure. Let’s start with an overview of the causes of excessive plumped lips and lip reduction treatment.

Causes of Big-Sized Lips

Lips bigger in size usually have a demographic impact. People from overly warm places like the West Indies and Africa have bigger lips. Thicker lips are the demand of that nature to survive. But many people, even in India, also have thicker or abnormally large lips. Genetic issues, injury, or side effects of any medication can cause this. Abnormally big size of lips may cause several problems, some of which are as follows-

  • Damage facial beauty

  • Create problems in clear communication

  • Loss of confidence.

Lip Reduction Surgery

Lip reduction surgery is a minimally invasive treatment of bigger-sized lips. A cosmetic surgeon usually performs this treatment, which is safe to consider. Lip reduction surgery involves liposuction to reduce the excessive fat tissues from the lip. A lip surgery usually has the following steps-

  • Anaesthesia

The procedure of lip reduction starts with the injection of anaesthesia. The cosmetic surgeon uses local or general anaesthesia to make the candidate comfortable during the procedure.

  • Incision

The doctor makes one or two incisions when the lip area gets numbed. These incisions usually take place on the inner layer of the lips.  


  • Liposuction

In this step, a fat extraction tool is used. The surgeon inserted the tool in the targeted lip and extracted the fat tissues. This phase usually takes three to five minutes.

  • Close the Incisions

After extracting the unwanted fat tissues, the surgeon closes the incision with a dissolving thread.   

Fat reduction lip surgery lasts 15 -30 minutes; the candidate can go home immediately after the treatment. One can resume the daily routine while taking care of the treated lip. Regarding postoperative care, the doctor’s advice should be followed. To learn about that, feel free to ask your doctor. 

Delhi has several experienced cosmetic plastic surgeons. To find the best one for lip reduction surgery in Delhi, you may visit SB Aesthetics Clinic. The founder of this clinic, Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, is one of the top-ranked medical professionals. People consider her the best plastic surgeon for getting bowed, luscious, good-looking lips. Pay a visit now!

Friday, November 10, 2023

How Lip Reduction Surgery Can Help You Achieve Symmetrical Lips?

Lip reduction is a surgical procedure that is performed globally to reduce the size of the lips in patients who believe they are disproportionately big. It involves the excision of lower or upper lip skin tissues. This procedure reshapes the entire lip region and is particularly effective for individuals with a gummy or double-lipped smile.


Dr. Shilpi Bhadani is a plastic surgeon in India who offers Lip Reduction Surgery Treatment in Gurgaon at SB Aesthetics. In her clinic, she performs a variety of facial cosmetic procedures, including lip reduction, lip augmentation, rhinoplasty, chin augmentation, and face lift.


Candidates Eligible for Lip Reduction Surgery:


  • Persons with excessively large lips that hinder oral function are candidates for treatment. A person who experiences speech impairments and other complications due to a large lip, are also eligible for this procedure.

  • An individual whose lips have become bigger with age

  • Individuals seeking to improve lip symmetry

  • Following dermal fillers, a patient desiring lip reduction or rebalancing

  • A person seeking lip correction due to cleft lip and/or palate.




  • It creates a natural-looking lip line.

  • Scarring is minimally

  • Removes extra fat from lips and make them look more contoured

  • Assist in correcting asymmetric lips with outstanding results

  • It makes an excessively large upper lip appear smaller and more appealing

  • While promoting facial harmony, it imparts a youthful  appearance.




  • The goal of lip reduction surgery is to correct the asymmetry by balancing the upper and lower lips with the other facial features.

  • Even when both lips are operated on, the procedure is typically less than an hour long and performed under local anesthesia. On the inner side of the lip, small incisions are made, and tissue is removed to reduce the overall size and create a less prominent contour. Careful placement of dissolvable sutures ensures symmetry and minimal scarring.

  • The procedure involves making a horizontal incision on the inner lip. The excess fat and tissue is then removed from the lip. It aids in the reduction of lip size. It can be performed on the upper and lower lips to improve the patient's appearance by evening out the facial contours. The surgeon then closes the incision with stitches. Lip reduction surgery has helped many individuals in attaining their desired appearance.




The sutures will dissolve and get removed in just two weeks. During the first two weeks, the lips will be swollen. However, when the swelling reduces the scar fades and the lips develop an attractive contour.




When performed by a skilled surgeon at SB Aesthetics, the Best Cosmetic Clinic in Gurgaon, lip reduction surgery offers safe results. It is an excellent option for individuals who have large lips and find them unattractive.


Lip reduction surgery helps reduce the size of the lips and help people regain their self-esteem. This surgery can reduce and reshape a person's lips to make them more symmetrical and offer a balanced appearance.


Visit the clinic to get the desired symmetrical lips shape!

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Get Pout-Perfect Lips with Lip Reduction Surgery

Lips that are fully plumped have become a beauty trend, popularised by celebrities and influencers. While many people seek lip augmentation procedures to achieve this look, there is another side of the coin—lip reduction surgery. Lip reduction surgery is a cosmetic procedure that aims to reduce the size of the lips, creating a more balanced and harmonious facial appearance.

Many individuals considering this procedure might have concerns related to what the procedure would look like and how the recovery and results would look. This blog will help those people have a better understanding of the same. Lip reduction can help you achieve pout-perfect lips. References to the creation of this blog have been shared by experts like Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, a plastic surgeon renowned for lip reduction surgery in Delhi.

What is Lip Reduction Surgery?

Lip reduction surgery, also known as cheiloplasty, is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of excess lip tissue to reduce the size of the lips. 

Reasons to Consider Lip Reduction Surgery

1. Achieve Natural Proportions

Some individuals are born with naturally oversized lips, which can create facial imbalance and draw excessive attention. Lip reduction surgery can bring your lips into better proportion with the rest of your facial features, helping you achieve a more natural and harmonious look.

2. Correct Overfilling

For those who have undergone lip augmentation procedures, there is a possibility of overfilling or an undesirable outcome. Lip reduction surgery can help correct these issues, restoring a more balanced appearance to the lips.

3. Improved Self-Confidence

If you feel self-conscious about the size of your lips and it affects your self-esteem, lip reduction surgery can provide a boost in confidence by giving you lips that you feel comfortable and attractive with.

The Lip Reduction Procedure

Depending on the complexity of the procedure and the comfort level of the patient, the lip reduction surgery is often carried out under either local or general anesthesia. An overview of the procedures is provided below:

  • Incisions: Depending on the intended reduction, the surgeon makes tiny incisions along the inner or outer border of the lips.

  • Tissue Removal: To achieve the required size reduction, extra tissue is carefully removed from the lips. In order to preserve a natural lip shape and contour, the surgeon takes considerable care.

  • Closure: Dissolvable sutures are then used to carefully close the incisions. Patients can normally go home the same day as the procedure, which typically lasts one to two hours.

Recovery and Results

After lip reduction surgery, patients can expect some swelling and discomfort, which can be managed with prescribed pain medication and cold compresses. It's essential to follow your surgeon's post-operative instructions to ensure a smooth recovery process.

The final results of lip reduction surgery become more apparent as swelling subsides,  typically within a few weeks. Patients are often delighted to see their new, more proportionate lips that enhance their overall facial aesthetics. To know more you can visit SB Aesthetics and take consultation from Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, the best plastic surgeon in India at this clinic. The surgeon will perform a thorough analysis to determine the best course of treatment option.

8 Most Common Areas For Liposuction Surgery

  If one wants to improve the shape of their body with immediate results, one can opt for liposuction surgery in Delhi . Liposuction is a su...