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Monday, November 6, 2023

What Is the Best Age for a Mommy Makeover?

Becoming a mother is the most precious feeling. But this experience brings various physical changes to the mother’s body. These changes including sagginess of the breasts and stubborn fat deposits in the belly area are distressing and discomfort creating in day-to-day activities. In order to eliminate these physical changes, mommy makeover surgery offered by cosmetic plastic surgeons is an effective method. While considering this treatment, age is one of the major factors to consider.

Regarding the best age for a mommy makeover treatment, we took insights from various experts in mommy makeover surgery in Delhi like Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, a senior plastic surgeon at SB Aesthetics. By incorporating useful information in this article, we are going to detail the right age for a mommy makeover.

Before diving into the age factor, it would be great to gain the necessary understanding of mommy makeovers. So let’s start with a short introduction about this physical appearance-correcting treatment of mothers.

What is Mommy Makeover?

The mommy makeover is a set of multiple cosmetic and plastic treatments. These surgical procedures typically include breast augmentation, and tummy tuck and address various physical changes, such as: 

  • Sagginess of the breasts 

  • Stubborn fat deposited to tummy and belly area

  • Oversized butts

  • Loosened elasticity of upper arms, thighs

  • Corrections of genital deformities.      

In order to correct above mentioned physical deformities popular cosmetic plastic surgeries are as given below:

  • Breast Augmentation- It is a treatment for females seeking a treatment to improve their breast size. 

  • Breast Uplift- This minimally invasive surgical procedure addresses the loose elasticity of the breasts and corrects their saginess.

  • Tummy Tuck- It is a cosmetic plastic surgery that corrects the stubborn fat around the tummy through incisions.  

  • Liposuction- This is also an invasive procedure that addresses the stubborn fat pockets deposited in any body part.

  • Genital Rejuvenation- It addresses the shape and elasticity of genitals and corrects them. 

Right Age to Consider Mommy Makeover Surgery

Usually, there is no age bar to consider mommy makeover surgery. But while talking about the best age for this treatment, it is essential to know about that:

  • Age of 20-30

It is too early to make a decision for mommy makeover surgery. This is because of the opportunities for further pregnancies. Therefore, various plastic surgery surgeons avoid suggesting mummy makeover surgery to mothers aged 20-30.

  • Age of 30-40

Usually, females aged 30-40 have done with their family extensions and want to pursue their career. For such females of age above 30, a mommy makeover is the best treatment to correct their physical changes and get their pre-childbirth appearance back. 

  • Age of 40-50

A mother of age 40 is also eligible for the physical makeover. The reason enrooted to this age limit is, that mothers of this age group often have slightly older children, who are more independent and can take care of themselves. Hence, concerning post-operative care, consideration of this treatment at or after 40 is the best decision.  Moreover, many females start to experience wrinkles, fine lines, and saginess at this age. This may encourage them to contact the plastic surgeon and inquire about the treatment.

  • Age of 50 or Plus

The age of 50 is a stage when fine lines, wrinkles, and other aging signs become visible. But, there are no restrictions on beauty and physical deformity correction treatments after hitting 50. So, one after reaching 50 or beyond can participate in this surgical procedure too. 

Nevertheless, a newly becoming mother who wants to get mommy makeover treatment is advised to wait for at least six months after the delivery. Meanwhile, this wait may extend up to one year, depending upon the circumstances like breastfeeding to the newborn. An ideal mummy for a mommy makeover is:

  • One has become perfectly fit and healthy after the delivery of the baby

  • A mother who have realistic expectation with the treatment

  • Females distressed with the physical changes after childbirth

  • One has done with family planning

  • One suffering from back pain caused by droopy or large size of breasts

  • A mother experiencing issues related to holding the urine caused by weakened genital muscles after child delivery.     

Benefits of Considering Mommy Makeover Surgery

In order to consider mommy makeover surgery after completing the family extension, some of the key advantages are as follows:

  • Long Lasting Outcome

This treatment invasively addresses the tissues participating in the physical deformities and removes them. As a result, one can achieve a long-lasting outcome that was unable to get through physical exercise by any non-invasive method.   

  • Relief From Back and Neck Pain

It is obvious to gain weight after childbirth. Stubborn fat deposits to the tummy and breast impose a burden on the neck and back. As a result, severe pain during day-to-day activities may occur. Breast reduction and breast uplift treatment target the fat tissues and loose elasticity of the breast and correct them. Hence one can get rid of back and neck pain. 

  • Set of Two or More Treatments

Mommy Makeover is a set of two more procedures breast uplift, tummy tuck, and genital rejuvenation. Hence, one seeking more than one cosmetic plastic surgery can consider this treatment and improve their physical appearance.

  • Boost the Self-Confidence

A mommy makeover helps to boost self-confidence by addressing various physical deformities like oversized and droopy breasts, tummy fat, fine lines, and wrinkles of the skin. With this physical deformity correction treatment, one can achieve the desired physique.

  • Postpartum stretch mark removal     

This treatment is beneficial to reduce stretch marks of cesarean delivery and others. Moreover, one can get toned skin by eliminating the sagginess of the skin through a mommy makeover.

Final Thoughts

A mommy makeover is a cosmetic plastic surgery performed by a qualified medical professional of this regime. In this set of two or more procedures, plastic surgeons address the physical deformities caused by pregnancy and correct them invasively. While considering this treatment, ideal age is one of the major factors to consider which usually ranges between 30-40. Meanwhile, candidates of age below 30 and 50 or beyond can also consider this treatment. However, consultation with a plastic surgeon is most recommended.  

Dr. Shilpi Bhadani is one of the renowned mommy makeover experts practicing at the best plastic surgery clinic in India, SB Aesthetics. One may consider her for the best outcome of mommy makeover surgery. 

Many international patients visit her clinic to achieve the transformation. To take consultation with her, schedule an appointment today at SB Aesthetics.

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