Showing posts with label chin_surgery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chin_surgery. Show all posts

Monday, March 18, 2024

Do you look at yourself in the mirror and wish for a younger and fresher appearance? Do you feel you have aged beyond the years? 

Aging is considered a natural process that affects everyone. With age, the skin loses its elasticity, and wrinkles and sagging may begin to appear, making one feel less confident about their appearance. But thanks to the advancements in plastic and cosmetic surgery, getting a facelift can help restore a youthful glow to your face. If you have been considering getting facelift surgery, you are not alone. Several individuals undergo facelift surgery each year, and it has become one of the most common cosmetic surgery procedures worldwide. If you want to rejuvenate your facial skin and turn back the clock on aging, a facelift is the perfect solution. In addition to improving your appearance, a facelift has many other benefits.

This article takes a closer look at the ten excellent benefits of getting facelift surgery. Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, a famous cosmetic surgeon, has shared her valuable insights to enrich this post. She founded SB Aesthetics, where she offers facelift surgery cost in Delhi at a competitive and affordable price. Let us straight away delve into the benefits of facelift surgery.

What are the Top 10 Benefits of Getting Facelift Surgery? 

Below are some of the benefits a facelift surgery provides:

1. Facelift Surgery Targets Several Signs of Aging in a Single Step

The natural aging process leads to various changes to the appearance of the face and skin texture. Sun damage, smoking, and stress can also contribute to many undesired impacts on the skin. Facelift surgery helps to restore a youthful appearance by targeting various signs of aging. It also results in a tighter appearance of the face and neck. Additionally, a facelift can address sagging skin, deep wrinkles and creases between the nose and mouth, double chin, and issues with excessive fat during one surgical procedure.

2. A Facelift Helps to Eliminate a Double Chin

If you are tired of the excessive fat and skin that has formed around the neck, a facelift can help reduce or eliminate it. Sagging and wrinkles on the neck are a normal part of aging. However, depending on the severity of wrinkles, this excessive skin can make individuals much older than their actual age. It can cause embarrassment or discomfort when wearing clothing that makes the neck visible. A facelift and necklift can also help address such concerns by tightening and eliminating excess skin.

Do you want to get rid of your double chin with facelift surgery? You can visit SB Aesthetics, the best cosmetic surgery clinic in Delhi, today.

3. A Facelift Can Help You Get Rid of Jowls

Age, sun exposure, and severe weight loss can lead to excess skin around the chin and face. A facelift surgery helps individuals achieve a tighter and slimmer jawline. By recontouring the jaw and upper neck region, the procedure firms up saggy areas and can make the jawline appear youthful again.

4. A Facelift Helps to Tighten Up Saggy Facial Skin

With age, the collagen levels stored in the body decrease. As a result, loose or saggy skin begins to develop. Over-the-counter or prescription creams might help for some time, but they no longer offer effective results at times as they will not counter collagen loss. A facelift surgery helps to eliminate excessive skin and tightens the neck and facial muscles. It also helps reduce sagging and restore a smooth, youthful appearance to the face.

5. A Facelift Helps to Reduce Deep Wrinkles

Deep wrinkles are caused by reduced collagen production. A facelift surgery such as dermal fillers helps to reduce the appearance of deep wrinkles. These include those that form between the nose and mouth (smile line) and those that form between the mouth and chin ((also called marionette lines).

6. Facelifts Are Not Just For Women 

While the main focus is placed on aging and issues faced by women because of aging; men also face age-related skin concerns. According to the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the facelift procedure is among the top ten procedures for men in 2019. Facelift surgery can also address jowls, saggy skin, and unsightly facial wrinkles in men.

7. There is No Right Age to Get a Facelift Surgery

You do not have to reach a specific age to be an ideal candidate for a facelift surgery. The most common age for patients to have a facelift surgery is between 50 and 65. Anyone with saggy skin or unwanted wrinkles can opt for facelift surgery. A cosmetic surgeon can design a surgery that meets your goals in the least invasive way possible by using one of the procedures.

8. Facelift Surgery Pairs Well With Other Cosmetic Procedures

There are several cosmetic procedures available that can help correct undesirable facial concerns. Many of those procedures are combined with a facelift procedure, eliminating the need for additional procedures. For example, some patients choose to have a brow lift or eyelid surgery simultaneously as they plan to get a facelift. This reduces the need for extra recovery time and provides consistent results across the face. 

9. Invisible Surgical Scars

The incisions created during a facelift are designed to be undetectable. This is to ensure there are no apparent indications that a cosmetic procedure was ever done. Most incisions are made behind the ear or along the hairline to facilitate concealment, though the exact location and size of each person's incisions depend on their specific treatment.

10. Boost Confidence

A facelift is a surgery that helps to reverse the effects of aging and rejuvenate the face. The skin loses its elasticity with age, and wrinkles and sagging begin to appear. A facelift surgery helps to tighten and lift the skin, providing a younger and youthful appearance. This leads to an increase in confidence as individuals feel more self-assured. Facelift surgery also makes individuals feel more comfortable in their skin and confident about their appearance.

Final Takeaway

If you are considering a facelift surgery, finding the right plastic surgeon to guide you through decision-making is vital. If you want a facelift surgery, you can contact Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, a renowned plastic surgeon at SB Aesthetics. 

During the consultation, the expert surgeon will evaluate your facial structure, overall health, and skin to determine if you are the right candidate for facelift surgery. She will also discuss the procedure in detail and help you set realistic expectations about the results of the procedure.

With the right plastic surgeon and a detailed consultation, you can make an informed decision about whether or not a facelift is a choice for your individual needs and aesthetic goals.

To avail the benefits of facelift surgery, visit SB Aesthetics today. Apart from a facelift, you can visit the clinic for rhinoplasty, thread lift, chin surgery, dermal fillers, etc. The clinic is known for offering affordable and cost-effective procedures such as pocket-friendly chin surgery cost in Delhi. For more details, visit the clinic today.

Friday, March 1, 2024

How to Fix a Receding Chin: Methods With & Without Surgery

A well-defined chin is often considered a desired facial feature as it helps to improve facial symmetry and gives a balanced appearance. However, some individuals have a receding chin. This ultimately affects their confidence and overall facial harmony. Now, you must be wondering what a receding chin is.

A receding chin, also called retrogenia, is a condition where the chin projects inwards towards the neck. If you are looking for ways to correct a receding chin, you would be glad to know that several surgical and non-surgical options are available. 

This article will detail what a receding chin is and how we can fix a receding chin with and without surgery. Moreover, we will also discuss how much a chin implant cost in Delhi. To make this guide more informative for our readers, we have taken inputs from renowned plastic surgeons like Dr. Shilpi Bhadani. She is the founder of SB Aesthetics and offers several types of chin surgeries that can fix a receding chin. Continue reading to learn more about receding chin. 

What is a Receding Chin? 

A receding chin, also known as a weak chin, refers to a condition where the chin tends to appear smaller than other facial features. It can lead to an imbalanced facial profile and affect the overall aesthetic appeal. A receding chin can also be genetically inherited or occur due to insufficient growth of the lower jaw bone, lack of definition in the chin region, or aging-related changes. 

A receding chin can affect facial harmony and self-confidence, too. Luckily, there are several surgical and non-surgical methods available that can correct a receding chin. Surgical options include chin augmentation with implants or genioplasty, whereas non-surgical alternatives include facial exercises and non-surgical chin augmentation with dermal fillers. Surgical options tend to offer long-lasting results, whereas non-surgical options provide temporary results. 

How Can I Fix a Receding Chin With Surgery? 

Following are the various options that can help fix a receding chin: 

  • Chin Augmentation With Implants

This is one of the methods that can help fix a receding chin. This procedure involves placing an implant to enhance the projection and definition of the chin. Following are the steps that are involved in chin augmentation with implants: 

1. The surgeon assesses the facial anatomy and recommends the most suitable implant size to achieve the desired results.

2. Anesthesia is then administered to make the patient comfortable throughout the surgery.

3. The surgeon then makes an incision below the chin or inside the mouth to create a pocket for implants. Then, the implant is inserted and aligned with the facial features.

4. The surgeon then closes the incisions with sutures and applies dressings.

Are you searching for a clinic that offers the best procedure for chin augmentation with implants? You can get it done at SB Aesthetics, a top and best plastic surgery clinic in Delhi


  • Genioplasty Surgery (Chin Advancement) 

Another surgical option that helps correct a receding chin is genioplasty. This procedure repositions the chin bone to achieve a balanced and projected chin profile. Following are the steps involved in the genioplasty procedure: 

1. The surgeon will evaluate the facial features and prepare a tailor-made treatment plan.

2. Genioplasty is usually performed under general anesthesia to ensure safety and comfort during the procedure.

3. The surgeon then makes an incision either inside the mouth (intraoral) or underneath the chin (submental) to access the chin bone.

4. Then, the surgeon reshapes the chin bone, adjusts its position, and projects it according to the predetermined surgical plan.

5. Once the desired chin position is achieved, the surgeon secures the bone with the help of plates, screws, or wires.

6. The incisions are then closed with sutures, and dressing is done to provide utmost comfort during the healing process.

How Can I Fix a Receding Chin Without Surgery? 

Here are some non-surgical options that you can consider to fix a receding chin: 

  • Jaw Strengthening and Facial Exercises 

By focusing on the underlying muscles, jaw-strengthening exercises and facial exercises can help improve the look of a receding chin. These exercises help strengthen the muscles and lead to a more defined and lifted chin. The following are a few useful exercises: 

1. Chin Lift: Sit and stand upright and face forward. Lift your chin slowly and keep your back straight. After a few seconds of holding that posture, release.

2. Jaw Push-Ups: Close your mouth and press the tongue against the roof of the mouth. Press your lower jaw against the tongue and hold it for a few seconds. Then, repeat it several times.

Note: While facial exercises can improve muscle tone and definition, the results may vary among individuals. You can consult a qualified surgeon for personalized guidance. 

  • Non-Surgical Chin Augmentation 

Non-surgical chin augmentation uses dermal fillers that help enhance the projection and contour of the chin. The fillers are injected in specific areas to achieve the desired chin shape. Following are the steps of the procedure:

1. The surgeon will discuss the goals and determine if the patient is suitable for non-surgical chin augmentation.

2. The treated area is cleaned, and anesthesia is applied to minimize the discomfort during the procedure.

3. The chosen dermal fillers get injected into the chin, enhancing projection. The injector may assess the results and make adjustments to achieve the desired results.

Note: The longevity of the results with non-surgical chin augmentation can vary from person to person. However, regular touch-up sessions could be needed to maintain the results. 


When considering a receding chin correction, it is vital to consult a leading plastic surgeon who can recommend the most suitable treatment. You can book a consultation with Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, a prominent plastic surgeon in Delhi and the founder of SB Aesthetics. She will decide whether surgical or non-surgical options would work best for the patient. The expert surgeon is also famous for offering chin augmentation, chin implant, and chin reduction surgery at the clinic. 

To know the cost of these surgeries, you need a consultation from a surgeon as the cost is determined based on various factors, such as the surgeon’s experience the type of procedure performed, quality, and size of implants used. 

For more details on any chin surgery, visit SB Aesthetics Clinic right away!

Friday, December 22, 2023

All You Need to Know About Chin Surgery

A chin surgery, also called genioplasty, is often recommended by plastic surgeons when one is dissatisfied with the way they look. It is a cosmetic procedure that changes the size, shape, and appearance of the chin. It either involves an implant over the chin bone or can involve the use of liposuction under the chin and around the jawline to reduce fat. Patients often elect to undergo chin surgery to address cosmetic problems such as a jawline that is either too strong or too soft. They can also opt for surgery to modify their jawline and to achieve a more balanced profile.

To provide readers with a detailed understanding of chin surgery, its types, procedure and recovery, we have drafted this post by taking insights from Dr. Shilpi Bhadani. She is a top plastic surgeon and the founder of SB Aesthetics, an advanced plastic surgery clinic, which offers the best chin surgery and an affordable chin surgery cost in Delhi. Let’s begin by understanding the types of chin surgery.

What are the Different Types of Chin Surgeries? 

Depending on the issues to be addressed, chin surgery is divided into three types. Let us discuss the different types of chin surgeries as below:

  • Chin Narrowing: It is performed when a person feels that their chin is too wide. A sliding genioplasty can help them achieve a narrower look.

  • Chin Expansion: A narrow chin can become widened with the help of a sliding genioplasty, which provides patients with a more natural look.

  • Chin Advancement: A weak chin produces a convex facial angle. The plastic surgeon measures the facial angle and plans accordingly. The benefit of sliding genioplasty over implants is that it pulls the neck muscles back that are attached to the chin forward.

Chin Surgery: Is It Right For Me? 

Chin surgery is a highly customized procedure and might not be suitable for all. Therefore, it is always advised to consult a plastic surgeon beforehand before making a decision. The surgeon will assess the condition and general health and will plan the treatment that works best for the patient.

Chin surgery might not be a suitable option if: 

  • The patient is unable to have anesthesia. 

  • The patient is prone to bleeding or has a poor healing ability. 

  • The patient has a high risk of surgical complications. 

Chin surgery might be a suitable option if: 

  • The patient is physically fit and does not have any medical conditions which can affect the healing time or increase the risk of the surgery. 

  • The patient has realistic expectations of what a chin surgery can accomplish. 

  • One is a non-smoker or has quit smoking. 

Note: The candidacy for the surgery will be best determined by the plastic surgeon after a thorough evaluation. Wondering whether you are the right candidate for chin surgery? A plastic surgeon can help you decide. You can schedule a consultation with Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, the best plastic surgeon in Delhi at SB Aesthetics. 

How is Chin Surgery Performed? 

Before a chin surgery, the patient will be sedated. If the patient is asleep, the surgeon makes a small incision inside the mouth and under the jaw. Depending on the type of surgery being performed, the plastic surgeon might either insert a silicone implant or use a liposuction device to eliminate excess fat and tissues. When the surgery is complete, the incisions get closed using sutures. In the end, the patient’s face is bandaged, and they can go home whenever the surgeon recommends. 

How is Recovery After a Chin Surgery? 

The average recovery time for chin surgery lasts somewhere around 7-10 days. 

  • To minimize swelling, the patient must sleep with their head up and get as much rest as possible during that time frame. 

  • It is not unusual for individuals to have facial discomfort, bruising, or irritation. 

  • For relief, the surgeon can recommend over-the-counter painkillers. 

  • Patients may also be unable to chew solid meals, yawn, or communicate during the period of recovery. 

  • Indeed, for the first ten days following surgery, the surgeon can advise patients to follow a soft or liquid diet. Once the swelling and pain are minimized, patients can return to their regular diet. 

  • After seven days of healing at home, they can even return to work. 

Final Takeaway 

A chin surgery provides harmonious balance to the facial features, which enhances facial contours. If patients feel that their chin is too small, the plastic surgeon can insert an implant and modify the size of the chin. However, if the patient feels that their chin is too large, then a chin reduction surgery can be performed on the bone to reshape and resize the chin. 

If one feels that they are not satisfied with the size of their chin, they can seek the help of a plastic surgeon to discuss their concerns. To do this, one can schedule an appointment with Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, a famous cosmetic surgeon in Delhi at SB Aesthetics. 

She will understand the patient’s expected results and will determine the best chin surgery, i.e. chin enhancement surgery or chin reduction surgery, according to their goals. Visit SB Aesthetics to learn more about chin surgery.

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