Monday, May 27, 2024

Blepharoplasty: What to Expect Before, During, and After the Procedure

Eyelid surgery, commonly known as blepharoplasty, is a successful surgical procedure for droopy upper eyelids, sagging lower lids, and extra skin folds around the eyes. Amongst other cosmetic surgeries,
blepharoplasty surgery in India has gained immense popularity. The surgery can help one seem younger while also increasing and improving the field of vision. Whether one is still in the planning stages of surgery or has already scheduled an appointment, one would like to be prepared beforehand. In this article, let’s learn what to expect before and after eyelid surgery, how much the surgery costs, and whom to consult. Before we get started, let us first define blepharoplasty.

Blepharoplasty & Its Types

Eyelid surgery can be done on the upper or lower eyelids or both.

  • Upper Eyelid Surgery (Upper Blepharoplasty) 

This surgery corrects sagging, heavy upper eyelids that can cause a tired appearance and eyesight issues. The procedure often entails removing extra upper eyelid skin and fat.

This surgery, also known as upper eyelid ptosis correction, involves tightening or shortening the eyelid muscle. Some surgeons conduct cosmetic droopy upper eyelid surgery without repairing the muscle to improve eyelid function.

  • Lower Eyelid Surgery (Lower Blepharoplasty) 

This is commonly used to reduce under-eye bags and puffiness. Excess skin and fat may be removed from underneath the eyelid. In other circumstances, the fat will not be eliminated but instead distributed more equally below the eye, preventing a "lump" of fat behind each eye.

What To Expect Before Blepharoplasty?

The first step toward successful eyelid surgery is to consult an experienced plastic surgeon. It is important to choose a surgeon with extensive experience performing upper or lower blepharoplasty. One should also look for an accredited surgeon with recognition from a renowned board and favorable evaluations from previous patients.

Unfortunately, some surgeons may advertise their competence to perform this procedure without the necessary experience. These surgeons may charge far less for their services than other surgeons with more experience and knowledge. Beware of such doctors. Upper and lower blepharoplasty procedures are tough and require extensive training and competence. Not identifying the right surgeon for the treatment can lead to botched upper or lower eyelid surgeries, which can be difficult to correct.

Schedule Consultation Appointment

The consultation meeting allows one to meet one-on-one with the surgeon and explain the desired results. One can consult an expert plastic surgeon like Dr. Shilpi Bhadani. She will ask one about their medical history and vision, so one can ask as many questions as they want. She will also thoroughly examine the patient’s eyes before providing the best treatment options.

What To Expect After Blepharoplasty?

Each upper lid will have a stitch that lasts around one week. If the lower lids are incised on the inside, no stitches will be needed. Swelling and bruising of the upper and lower eyelids are typical. To allow the eyelids to heal, expect to stay home from work and limit activities for a few days following surgery.

Looking at day-to-day eyelid surgery recovery time images, one will notice that changes are usually quick after bilateral upper blepharoplasty or lower eyelid surgery. Following the surgery, one can return home with a relative or friend the same day.

Once one returns home, make time to recover and unwind. Only strive to accomplish a little at a time. During the early recovery, one will be told not to lift anything heavy or exercise.

Swelling, light bruising, and minor discomfort should be expected. The surgeon may advise using cold compresses, light gauze, and/or lubricating ointment. The difficulty of recovery will vary depending on whether one had upper eyelid surgery, lower eyelid surgery, or both.

Follow-Up Appointments

During recovery, one must attend follow-up sessions with their plastic surgeon. Attending all of these appointments is important for a successful surgery.

When one can resume everyday activities such as driving, working, and exercising, one will be toppled. Follow the plastic surgeon's post-operative recommendations, as they will be essential to attaining the desired results. 

What is the Blepharoplasty Surgery Cost in India?

The blepharoplasty surgery cost in India at advanced facilities like SB Aesthetics ranges from Rs. 40,000 to 80,000. The price breakup based on the type of surgery is

Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty- Rs. 40,000- 65,000

Complete Eyelid Blepharoplasty- Rs. 55,000 - 80,000

Meet an Expert Cosmetic Surgeon for Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty can assist if one has bags under the eyes, excess upper eyelid skin that one wants to remove, or difficulty seeing due to sagging upper eyelids.

One can consult the best cosmetic surgeon in India, Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, at SB Aesthetics. The skilled doctor is known for her competence and artistic approach and is an MCh in Plastic Surgery with 14+ years of expertise. One can take a look at some of her eyelid surgery before-and-after photographs to discover how this procedure can improve sagging upper eyelids, under-eye bags, and more.

To get a detailed consultation with Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, visit SB Aesthetics Clinic now!

Friday, May 24, 2024

Nasal Irregularities Treated with Septoplasty

A lot of people often notice that their nose appears too large, too wide, or not angled correctly about the rest of their face. Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, a renowned surgeon for offering the best and most affordable rhinoplasty cost in India, explains that a septoplasty is a corrective nose reconstruction procedure that involves altering the nasal septum, which is a wall that divides the two nasal cavities. The purpose of a septoplasty is to realign the septum, which can be malformed due to birth defects, trauma, or injury. The nasal septum is a structure composed of bone and cartilage that divides the nostrils, supports the nose, guides airflow, and supports the base of the membrane that secretes mucus to protect the inner membrane.

In this blog, we will learn about the various nasal conditions treated with septorhinoplasty.

Which Nasal Conditions Are Treatable with Septoplasty?

The main goal of a septoplasty is to realign a deviated nasal septum, which is the root cause of many nasal issues. With septoplasty, the following ailments can be alleviated or treated:

  1. Nasal Blockage

A deviated septum can severely impede nasal airflow, leading to persistent nasal congestion, difficulty breathing through the nose, and a feeling of obstruction in the nose. To improve airflow and relieve nasal blockage, a septoplasty aims to straighten the septum.

  1. Chronic Sinusitis

A deviated septum can make chronic sinusitis worse, which is characterized by sinus inflammation and infection. A misaligned septum can lead to recurrent sinus infections because it can obstruct normal sinus ventilation and drainage. By helping to restore healthy sinus function, septoplasty can help reduce the frequency and severity of episodes of sinusitis.

  1. Snoring and Insomnia

A deviated septum can aggravate obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and snoring. The blockage caused by the deviated septum's obstruction of airflow can result in snoring and irregular breathing patterns. By correcting the septal deviation, a septoplasty can enhance nasal airflow and potentially reduce snoring and sleep apnea symptoms.

  1. Prolonged Nasal Congestion

Nasal congestion resulting from a deviated septum can be a chronic problem. Misalignment can make it difficult for air to flow normally through the nasal passages, resulting in nasal stuffiness, congestion, and difficulty breathing through the nose. A septoplasty procedure can help relieve persistent nasal congestion by straightening the septum and improving airflow.

  1. Facial Pain and Headaches

A deviated septum can result in headaches, facial pain, and pressure around the sinuses. The misaligned septum can cause obstruction and improper airflow, which can lead to pressure and discomfort in the sinuses. Septoplasty can assist in lessening these symptoms by restoring appropriate nasal function.

How Is the Procedure for Septoplasty Performed?

  • During a septoplasty procedure, either local or general anesthesia is typically used.

  • The surgeon makes an internal nasal incision to access the septum. 

  • First, the mucous membrane covering the septum is lifted, and the deviated portion is carefully removed or reshaped.

  • The remaining bone and tissue are repositioned and straightened.

  • While the incision remains open, the surgeon can:

  • Reshape the cartilage at the tip of the nose.

  • Remove a hump by shaving bone areas.

  • Break and reset the nasal bones to correct any irregularities and improve the nose's appearance.

  • Additional procedures, such as turbinate reduction, which involves shrinking the size of the turbinates, may be performed on occasion to improve airflow further.

  • The surgeon then closes the incision with sutures and packs the nose with gauze to prevent bleeding.

What to Expect Following a Septo-Rhinoplasty?

One may need to take some precautions to avoid bleeding and swelling in the first few weeks following the surgery. The surgeon will guide the patient on how to take care of themselves following surgery. Several typical post-operative guidelines consist of:

  • Maintaining an elevated head position during sleep.

  • Refrain from blowing the nose.

  • Do not put on garments that one has to pull over their head.

  • Steer clear of jogging and other strenuous aerobic exercises. 

The nose will stabilize over three to six months. One may notice changes in their breathing pattern and nasal structure as their septum stabilizes. 

How Much Does a Septorhinoplasty Procedure Cost?

A variety of factors influence the cost of rhinoplasty. One of the most important variables is the type of nose surgery desired, as well as the number of adjustments needed. Other factors that affect the surgery's cost are the advanced treatment equipment, clinic facilities, clinical setting, and the surgeon's fees. Once the surgeon has been consulted, a complete estimate can be obtained. If one is looking for the best plastic surgery clinic in India, one may visit SB Aesthetics. Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, the clinic's founder, is committed to helping her patients achieve the natural, attractive rhinoplasty results they have always wanted. 

Facing similar issues? Visit SB Aesthetics today. The clinic offers rhinoplasty and septoplasty procedures with the latest techniques.

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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

How Do You Tackle Your Baldness With Hair Transplant Surgery?

Hair transplantation has evolved dramatically, resulting in less invasive procedures and more natural-looking results. It's now one of the most popular treatments for hair thinning and baldness. Want to know how Hair Transplant in Delhi can help manage your baldness? Then, this blog will help you learn more about this amazing hair restoration treatment!

What causes baldness?


Hair thinning and balding can be caused by various factors, such as genetics, hormone imbalances, a poor diet, stress, and certain medical disorders. The most prevalent type of hair loss is androgenetic alopecia, commonly termed male-pattern baldness or female-pattern baldness, which could be hereditary.


Hair loss in both men and women usually starts with a receding hairline, thinning around the crown, or a widening part. It can eventually lead to more severe hair loss, resulting in apparent bald patches.


Can a hair transplant help with baldness?

As per the Best Plastic Surgeon in Delhi, Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, hair transplantation is the best surgical procedure for treating hair loss problems. In this method, healthy hair follicles are extracted from a donor site (the back or sides of the scalp) and transferred to the balding or thinning areas of the scalp. The transplanted hair follicles continue to grow, producing natural-looking and long-lasting results.

Can a bald person get a hair transplant?

Yes, a bald person can undergo a hair transplant procedure. Whether a person is a candidate for this procedure depends on the presence of donor supply, which is the hair left on the back of the head. So, someone with a good donor supply can be a good candidate. Additionally, Dr. Shilpi Bhadani at SB Aesthetics also performs body hair transplants, which can help individuals who are completely bald to cover the bald areas of the scalp by using donor hair from other body areas.


How is a hair transplant performed?


The primary stages of a hair transplant procedure are as follows: 


  1. Local anaesthesia: Before commencing the treatment, local anaesthesia is provided to the areas where the hair follicles will be removed and transplanted. It ensures that the patient experiences no pain during the whole procedure. 

  2. Hair follicle extraction: The treatment involves extracting hair follicles from the donor site while avoiding skin damage. The technician then harvests these roots, known as grafts, which comprise approximately 2-3 hairs. The surgeon carefully chooses the best transplant grafts to provide the most natural-looking results.

  3. Preparation of the recipient site: The grooves opened into the area where hair loss occurs must be of the proper depth and size. They must perfectly fit the transplanted hair roots. Furthermore, the grooves should be correctly adjusted to appear natural and appealing. It increases efficiency.

  4. Implantation of hair follicles: In the last step of the procedure, the harvested hair follicles are inserted one by one at specific degree angles into these grooves that have been opened to the correct size. Following these steps, the surgical procedure is completed.


How to prepare before a hair transplant?


Before the surgery, the following factors should be considered:


  • The consumption of alcohol should be avoided before the surgery. 

  • Anticoagulants must be stopped with the supervision of a doctor. 

  • No chemical products should be used. Chemicals such as jelly and spray should be avoided. 

  • If an individual has an illness or is taking medicine, they should inform the doctor. 

  • To prevent damage to the hair follicles, one should arrive at the clinic with their hair cleansed and wearing comfortable clothes that can be readily worn and removed. 

  • Smoking can have a detrimental effect on the treatment; thus, it should be avoided for a while before the surgery. Smoking should be avoided for at least a week before the surgery. 

  • Eating is recommended before commencing the procedure. If the procedure is scheduled for the afternoon or later, one can have a light snack before leaving.

  • Caffeine-containing beverages like coffee should be avoided until the day before the surgery.

  • Avoid taking vitamins B and E approximately a week in advance because they increase blood flow.

  • Driving is not recommended for 6 hours following this procedure.


Is there any maintenance after a hair transplant?


Following the hair transplant, it is critical to care for the transplanted hair follicles to maintain ultimate healing and growth. 

Here are some factors to consider after a hair transplant procedure:


  • The transplanted hair follicles must be preserved following hair transplantation, and any contact should be avoided to avoid damaging the hair follicles. 

  • Hair should not be washed for the first three days. It is important to wash hair in the proper direction and with gentleness. 

  • The hair follicles may be damaged if they come into contact with bed material when lying down. Lie on your back with a small, soft pillow. 

  • Doctor-recommended medications and dressings should be used consistently. Sunlight may damage the roots of transplanted hair; thus, the patient should avoid it as much as possible.


Where to get a hair transplant for managing baldness?


A hair transplant is a medical procedure that involves extracting hair follicles from the donor part of the body and transferring them to a bald or thinning area. This procedure promotes new hair growth in the treated area while achieving a natural and aesthetically acceptable result. 

If you are the one who is suffering from baldness or hair loss, then getting a hair transplant can help to cover it. If you want to know about the costs and how this procedure can help you, visit SB Aesthetics, a leading clinic for Hair transplants in Delhi.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

6 Questions To Ask A Hair Transplant Surgeon

The era of uneven hair plugs and wigs is over. Regardless of hair loss, everyone can have fuller, more natural-looking hair. Advanced hair transplant clinics like SB Aesthetics customers come from all over the world and are of all ages, including men and women. During initial appointments, the surgeon is frequently asked various questions, which are both natural and beneficial. For those seeking hair transplant in India, it is advised to ensure that the chosen doctor meets the highest standards of care and expertise. It can be done by learning what questions to ask, so we've compiled a list of the most important things to ask during hair transplant appointments. So, let's get started!

Questions to Ask During First Consultation for a Hair Transplant

For a successful hair transplant in India or elsewhere, it is important to connect with the best hair transplant surgeon and clinic. One should choose a provider that uses internationally recognized surgeons and provides world-class treatment using cutting-edge technology.

What Causes Hair Loss or Baldness?

It is critical to understand the actual causes of hair loss. A hair transplant surgeon can only assess if a hair transplant will work once they know the causes of hair loss. Hair loss or baldness can affect both men and women for a variety of causes, including heredity, hormonal imbalance, stress, and adverse drug effects. 

One should share their medical history, current medications, and other information about hair loss with the doctor. Knowing these details can assist the doctor in determining the cause of the hair loss and planning the finest hair transplant in India or elsewhere.

Is Hair Transplant Surgery Right for Me?

After learning about the hair loss concerns, experts will decide whether one is a candidate for this procedure. A person's eligibility for hair transplants can be evaluated by assessing a few key characteristics. To determine eligibility for this treatment, doctors consider the availability of healthy donor sites, the patient's age, hair type, the state of the scalp, and overall health. Consult an expert hair transplant surgeon to determine the eligibility through a thorough evaluation.

What Qualifications Does the Hair Transplant Surgeon Hold?

It is okay to learn more about the doctor's qualifications and areas of experience during the initial session. Many people must be more apprehensive about asking their doctors about their qualifications. If one feels the same way, use the internet to learn more about the chosen doctor's qualifications. Dr. Shilpi Bhadani is an MCh plastic surgeon at advanced hair transplant clinics like SB Aesthetics. She has extensive years of experience as a consultant and fellowship candidate at top facilities both nationally and internationally. She shares their qualifications with each patient during the consultation.

The hair transplant surgeon must possess the required training, skills, and certifications to conduct a safe and successful hair transplant procedure. Ensure that your hair transplant surgeon is certified by a respected organization. SB Aesthetics is headed by a qualified hair transplant surgeon who is not only board-certified but has almost two decades of experience providing successful plastic and cosmetic surgeries. 

FUE or FUT which Hair Transplant Surgery will Suit the Best?

Two popular hair transplant methods are FUE (follicular unit extraction) and FUT (follicular unit transplanting). Individual hair follicles are extracted from the healthy donor area and transplanted into the recipient area where the hair is thinning or bald. On the other hand, FUT involves cutting a long, thin piece of tissue from the rear of the scalp and dissecting hair follicles with a stereo microscope. Both procedures are effective and can provide long-lasting results.

FUE is favoured because it leaves little scarring and promotes rapid recovery. FUT is frequently recommended based on the patient's preferences and medical condition. At SB Aesthetics, a top clinic for hair transplant in Delhi, the hair transplant surgeon blends both methods depending on the needs. Moreover, the surgeon also offers her signature advanced technique i.e., the Hair ART technique, to ensure the greatest hair transplant results.

Should there be any Testing Needed Before Surgery?

The surgeon will order a few basic blood tests to determine whether there is an undiagnosed health condition. These tests include CBC, HCV, PT, APTT, random blood sugar, HBs AG, HIV ELISA, and ECG (EKG).

What will the Day of Surgery be Like?

Patients should arrange for someone to drop them home because they will be under anaesthesia and should not drive alone. The duration of the procedure will be determined at the previous consultations. Depending on the technique, one may require one or more sessions (FUE, FUT, or HAIR-ART transplant). One will be given a light anaesthetic. Each session lasts two to four hours, depending on the technique used. A hospital stay is usually not required, so one can return home on the same day. 

Meet the Top Hair Transplant Surgeon in India

To get detailed answers one may consult the top hair transplant and the best plastic surgery clinic in India for hair transplant. Here, we have just included the most frequently requested questions. But, at SB Aesthetics Clinic, the surgeon is all ears. The adept staff may provide patient testimonies and allow one to contact our highly qualified surgeon. Book a consultation at SB Aesthetics Clinic. 


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